I have small office in downtown Stockholm. There are 6 employees working in my enterprise. We sell greeting cards and calendars in the internet shop. As you see, everything is happening online. We don’t meet our customers unless they don’t want to pick up their orders in our office. We receive orders online and check if everything is correct. Then we pack everything and create invoices for the customers. For invoicing we use adorable invoicing software. We happened to try it in the internet. I received some spam email about invoicing program. As I was exactly thinking of buying some invoicing software I decided to try it. I wasn’t waiting some great results, but they appeared. I was surprised that invoicing software has easy navigation, is user friendly and has normal price.
When I was thinking of buying some invoicing software I didn’t think that it could bee used by everyone in our team and accessible from every laptop. That is possible because our invoicing program is online. My invoicing manager doesn’t have many features, but all basic functions are supported. In my opinion it is enough with basic features for small enterprise. Maybe after some time we will become large and rich enterprise..ha..ha..I like to dream about it. Then of course we will change our invoicing software to more advanced one.
By the way invoicing helps our enterprise to be “green”. We don’t use much paper for invoices, because we try to send all invoices by email. Nowadays not many people think about nature that is around us. But it is very important, because we are dependent of nature and environment. Our company is trying to show respect to nature and use less paper. Even our products are made from recyclable materials. You can also support green way of living and start using invoicing software. You will probably feel pleased about it!